“When Ancient History Meets a Modern Conflict: on the Passing of Pyotr Tolochko, a Ukrainian Historian, Academic, and Politician,” Responsible Statecraft, May 15, 2024.
"Nicolai Petro on Ukraine's prospects: If something happens in Kiev, it will be sudden and dramatic," Štandard (Slovakia), May 12, 2024. (in Slovak)
“The Folly of a New Containment,” The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, co-authored with Arta Moeini, May 9, 2024.
“Four Myths That Are Preventing Peace in Ukraine,” (with Ted Snider) Antiwar.com, March 11, 2024.
“The Russo-Ukrainian War Enters its Third Year: An Etiological Investigation,” The Institute for Peace and Diplomacy, February 27, 2024.
"The tragedy of Ukraine stems from efforts to realize nationalist fantasies, says Professor Nicolai Petro," Štandard (Slovakia), February 22, 2024. (in Slovak)
"To End the War in Ukraine, Expose Its Core Lie," (with Ted Snider) The Libertarian Institute, January 18, 2024 (in Bulgarian) (in German) (in Hungarian) (in Japanese) (in Norwegian) (in Polish) (in Slovak).
"Ukraine Has a Civil Rights Problem,” Foreign Policy, December 18, 2023 (auf Deutsch in der Frankfurter Rundschau) (in Danish) (in Greek) (in Vietnamese).
"Could Russia play a role in Ukraine's reconstruction?" Responsible Statecraft, December 6, 2023.
"What’s Next for Ukraine: The Outlines of a Peaceful Settlement," (with Ted Snider) Antiwar.com, November 17, 2023.
"On Ukraine the Question is Not Who Started it, but Who is Going to End it," (with Ted Snider) The National Interest, October 29, 2023 (in Chinese).
"The Last Ukrainian Peacemaker: Sergei Sivokho Remembered," Responsible Statecraft, October 23, 2023 (auf Deutsch) (em português) (in italiano).
"ACURA’s Nicolai N. Petro: My Remarks to Bank of America’s “Institutional Investors in EM Assets” Conference Call," ACURA Viewpoint, April 10, 2023.
"What Greek tragedy can teach us about ending the war in Ukraine“ The Rideau Institute (Canada), March 5, 2023. A summary of my interview with Anatol Lieven of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, February 28, 2023.
"Cold War Realism: Lessons for Ukraine," Canadian Dimension, February 22, 2023.
“Can Greek Tragedy Heal Ukraine?” De Gruyter Conversations, January 24, 2023 (auf Deutsch).
“The Tragedy of Ukraine,” The Nation, January 20, 2023 (book excerpt) en français.
"Ukraine: Rechtsextreme verhinderten Autonomie des Donbas," Infosperber.ch, February 6, 2023. German translation of my interview with Aaron Mate, host of Pushback, December 19, 2022.
"URI professor’s new book looks at internal divisions in Ukraine that contributed to current conflict with Russia," URI News, December 19, 2022; (auf Deutsch)
"The Tragedy of Crimea,” Responsible Statecraft (Quincy Institute), November 25, 2022."Building a Lasting Settlement for Ukraine," (with Gilbert Doctorow) The National Interest, June 11, 2022
"A True Solution to the Tragedy of Ukraine, The National Interest, March 21, 2022.
Cain Burdeau, “Ukraine conflict exposes dangers of a new Cold War,” Courthouse News Service, February 11, 2022.
"The Confrontation in Ukraine Is Political Theater Aimed at a Domestic Audience," The Nation, December 10, 2021.
"America’s Ukraine Policy Is All About Russia," The National Interest, December 6, 2021.
"Why the US Should Rethink Its Russia-centric Ukraine Policy," Russia Matters (Harvard University), September 9, 2021.
"The Advantages of Symphonia," Berkley Forum (Georgetown University), August 19, 2021.
“How to Break the Cultural Gridlock in Ukraine,” The National Interest, July 12, 2021.
"Putin’s Notions of Russian Spiritual and Moral Values Explained," Vital Interests Online Forum, No. 75, Center on National Security at Fordham Law, May 13, 2021.
"The West Needs to Rethink Its Approach In Ukraine," American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord, May 5, 2021.
"Looking Beyond the Current Tragedy in Ukraine," American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord, April 9, 2021. (en français).
"Joe Biden and the Challenge of Ukraine," The National Interest, January 9, 2021.
"Tragedy, Dialogue, and Politics: Applying Tragedy’s Therapy to Russian Relations with the West," American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord, December 22, 2020.
"This Is How Ukraine Will Destroy the Rule of Law While Claiming to Defend it," The National Interest, November 3, 2020.
“What is the Real Status of Democracy in Russia?” Natylie’s Place, October 14, 2019.
"Transcending Parochial Interests: A Reply to Mykola Riabchuk," July 31, 2019
"Volodymyr Zelensky’s Landslide Victory in Ukraine May Become a Slippery Slope," The Nation, July 25, 2019.
"Will Nationalism Poison Ukraine's New President?" The National Interest, July 12, 2019.
“Petro Poroshenko's Nationalism Cost Him the Presidency,” The National Interest, April 23, 2019.
"Ukraine's Pinochet Scenario," The Nation, November 28, 2018.
"Russia's Mission," Journal of International Affairs (Columbia University), November 14, 2018.
"In Ukraine, is Constantinople Rushing in "Where Angels Fear to Tread?" Public Orthodoxy (Fordham), October 25, 2018. (em português)
“‘Sanctions are the wrong tool if you want to change the policy of another country’-expert,” Sputnik International, August 22, 2018.
“America is Addicted to Sanctions,” The National Interest, August 17, 2018. Translated into a dozen languages by Contra Magazin.
“URI Prof. Unpacks Trump’s Relationship with Russia and Putin,” Rhode Island NPR, July 27, 2018.
“A Summit of Low Expectations,” Valdai Discussion Club, July 16, 2018.
“Use the America-Russia Summit to Bring Back Arms Control,” (with Josh Cohen) The National Interest, July 13, 2018.
“Congress Has Chosen the Wrong Strategy to Deal with Russia,” The National Interest, December 10, 2017.
"The North Korea Crisis: Could a Freeze-For-Freeze Deal Avert a Showdown?" (with Josh Cohen) The National Interest, October 23, 2017.
“A New Law to Limit Teaching Russian and Other Languages Will Further Divide Ukraine,” World Politics Review, September 18, 2017.
"The Real Ukrainian Solution is Federalism," The Nation, June 30, 2017.
"Ukraine's Government Is Failing to Unite Ukrainians," (with Josh Cohen) The National Interest, May 30, 2017. (trong tiếng Việt) (на български) (po Polsku)
"We Can't Afford to Lose U.S.-Russian Nuclear Cooperation," (with Josh Cohen) The National Interest, March 27, 2017.
"The Bizarre Reason Ukraine Could Be Facing a Legitimacy Crisis," (with Josh Cohen) The National Interest, March 15, 2017.
"Blaming Russia Will Only Hold America Back," The National Interest, January 9, 2017.
"From Obama to Trump: Cold War Averted. What Now?" in The New Face of America: How Donald Trump will Change U.S.-Russian Relations (a Russia Direct Report), vol. 4, November 30, 2016, pp. 12-15.
"Ukraine's Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace," The National Interest, September 7, 2016.
"Update From Ukraine" Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, August 18, 2016.
"Ukraine Update," Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, June 7, 2016.
“What happened to the 'golden age' of Russian Studies in America?” sponsored by Russia Direct and the U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce of New England, Boston, Massachusetts, May 12, 2016.
Odessa: Averting Another Massacre," Counterpunch Magazine, April 28, 2016. (en français).
“Why Ukraine Needs Russia More than Ever,” The Guardian (UK), March 9, 2016. (en français) (v češtině) (trong tiếng Việt) (lietuvių) (на български) (in română) (v slovenčine) (на українській мові)
"Historic Meeting in Havana Brings About ‘Minor Breakthrough’ on Ukraine," Valdai Discussion Club, February 15, 2016.
"Russia’s Moral Framework and Why It Matters," The National Interest, September 24, 2015. (latviešu)
"From Maidan to Mukachevo," Russia Direct, July 21, 2015.
"What to Expect From Saakashvili in Odessa," Russia Direct, June 16, 2015. (în română)
"How do you solve a problem like Ukraine?" The Guardian (UK) and Kyiv Post, March 27, 2015.
"The Real War in Ukraine: The Battle over Ukrainian Identity," Kyiv Post, December 4, 2014. (en Espanol)
"Is Ukraine Slipping Into Illiberal Democracy?" The Nation, October 30, 2014.
"How Russia views the post-Cold War global order," Russia Direct, October 27, 2014.
"Why the Putin Peace Plan is Working, The National Interest, October 22, 2014. (Vietnamese)
"Russia and NATO Should Be Allies, Not Enemies," (with Robert Bruce Ware) Moscow Times, September 29, 2014. (Vietnamese, in Italiano)
"Who gets to define what it means to be Ukrainian?" Russia Direct, September 4, 2014.
"Eastern Ukraine: The Neverending Crisis," The National Interest, September 2, 2014 (part one). (auf Deutsch)
"How We Won the Cold War, but Lost the Peace," The National Interest, September 3, 2014 (part two).
“Petro Poroshenko's Fatal Flaw,” The National Interest, June 17, 2014. (en Francais)
"Future of Ukraine-Russia Dialogue Depends on Poroshenko’s Actions in East," RIA Novosti, May 26, 2014.
"Six Mistakes the West Has Made (and Continues to Make) in Ukraine," Kyiv Post, May 20, 2014. (em Portugues) (in Italiano) (en Espanol)
“Ukrainians divided by two narratives of the conflict,” DW (Deutsche Welle), April 9, 2014. (auf Deutsch)
“Save Ukraine!” The Moscow Times and Kyiv Post, March 19, 2014.
"The Endgame in Crimea," The Nation, March 14, 2014. (Türkçe)
“West Needs to Decide Which is More Important: Punishing Russia or Preserving the Territorial Integrity of Ukraine,” ValdaiClub.com, March 11, 2014.
“Les pro-Russes ne veulent pas la sécession,” Le Courriere (Geneva, Switzerland), March 4, 2014.
“Threat of Military Confrontation Grows in Ukraine,” The Nation, March 3, 2014.
"The Battle for Kiev," The Nation, February 21, 2014.
"How the EU Can Bring Ukraine into Europe," European Leadership Network, January 7, 2014.
"How the E.U. Pushed Ukraine East," International New York Times, December 4, 2013. (en français) (po Polsku).
"Russian NGO Laws Reinforce Western Practices," Voice of Russia Expert's Panel, June 27, 2013.
"Western Moral Standards Are Not Universal," Voice of Russia Expert's Panel, June 24, 2013.
"Washington Needs to Overcome its Values Trap," The Washington Times (sponsored insert), June 11, 2013.
"The Sum of All Our Fears," The Washington Times (sponsored insert), May 9, 2013.
"Global Acupuncture versus Global Surgery: How Russia and China Differ from the U.S." Voice of Russia Expert's Panel, April 28, 2013 and January 29, 2013.
"Some Orthodox Reflections on the Pussy Riot Case," OpEdNews.com, August 22, 2012.
"The Orthodox Church and the Struggle for Russia's Soul," OpEdNews.com, April 23, 2012.
"Putin's New Old Foreign Policy," OpEdNews.com, March 24, 2012.
"How to not lose Russia," Asia Times Online, March 10, 2012. (på Dansk)
"Russia’s Smouldering 'White Revolution'," OpenDemocracy.net, December 29, 2011.
“Russia can’t be manipulated through external pressure,” Valdai Discussion Club, July 20, 2011.
"Is Ideological Competition in Europe Necessary?" E-IR.info, January 28, 2011.
"Why the FSB is not the KGB!" OpenDemocracy.net, August 10, 2010.
"Ukraine Can Have Them and Us," The International Herald Tribune, May 5, 2010. (po Polsku)
“Poland and Russia: From Tragedy to Forgiveness,” RussiaProfile.org, April 23, 2010.
"Russia is Miscast in The Georgian
Tragedy," OpEdNews.com,
November 13, 2009.
"What the Tagliavini Report Fails to
Consider," OpEdNews.com,
October 4, 2009.
"War in South Ossetia, One Year on -
Interview," RIA Novosti, August
11, 2009. (中文)
"Mired in a Yawning Divide," Moscow Times, July 13, 2009.
Ukraine's Identity?" OpenDemocracy.net,
January 28, 2009.
"Prisoners of the Caucasus Unite," The International Herald Tribune, August 20, 2008. (en español) (em Português) ( ελληνικά)
"Russian Elections--Affirming Democracy or Confirming Autocracy?" Russia Profile, March 7, 2008.
"Seizing the Medvedev Moment," International Herald Tribune, March 13, 2008. Published as "The Medvedev Moment," OpenDemocracy.net, February 28, 2008. (in Italiano; 中文)
"Why Russian Liberals Lose," The International Herald Tribune, December 4, 2007 and The Boston Globe, December 10 (in Italiano) (em Português) (На български) (Magyar) (ελληνικά) (en español). See also my comments on the Russian elections, posted at National Interest Online and Russia Profile.
“An Orthodox Balm for Europe,” The Christian Science Monitor, October 11, 2007.
"Russia's New Cyberwarriors," OpEdNews.com, June 24, 2007.
"Needed: Better Western Coverage of Russia," OpEdNews.com, June 2, 2007.
"Make a day for apologies in Estonia," The Providence Journal, May 27, 2007.
"Russian rights and Estonian wrongs," The Providence Journal, May 9, 2007.
"Russia as friend, not foe," Asia Times Online, February 17, 2007. (in Italiano)
"Sticking it up Vladimir the Impaler," Asia Times Online, October 31, 2006. (en español)
"Russia is Part of the West. Honest," Asia Times Online, June 8, 2006.
"Avoiding a New Cold War," The Providence Journal, June 8, 2006.
A debate on OpenDemocracy.net, including my "Russia through the looking-glass" (February 11, 2006); "Inside the looking glass: a Reply by Mischa Gabowitsch" (February 17, 2006); and "Russian democracy: a reply to Mischa Gabowitsch" (February 24, 2006).
"A Market Transition Plan Gone Wrong," The Providence Journal, January 10, 2006.
"Russian NGO Legislation is a Step in the Right Direction," Russia Profile, December 9, 2005.
"Victory in Europe--From Recrimination to Reconciliation," The Providence Journal, May 6, 2005.
"Truly Orthodox," www.AmericanEnterprise.org (a reply to Zeyno Baran and Emmet Tuohy's "An Unorthodox Orthodoxy," National Review Online, April 15, 2005).
"Yukos Founder's Brilliant Defense," The Providence Journal, April 13, 2005.
"The Orthodox are Coming!" New Europe Review, vol. 2, No. 1, 2005. (in Albanian)
Continuing our discussion in Current History ("Russia and the West: An Exchange," November 2004), Michael McFaul and I discussed "Vladimir Putin and Russia's Course" at the Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. on February 4, 2005
"Outside View: Open Letter to NATO, EU," United Press International, October 14, 2004.
"Democracy and Media Double Standards," The Providence Journal, January 20, 2004.
"Russia's Doing Just Fine," The Providence Journal, October 30, 2003.
"Western Media out of Touch with Russia," The Providence Journal, May 4, 2001.
Earlier commentary can be accessed by topic by clicking on the headings listed below:
- International Relations
- Russian-American Relations
- Russian Foreign Policy
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Russian Politics
- Ukraine
- Western Perceptions of Russia